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American Government:   The Owner's Manual
From John Armor aka Congressman BillyBob   (b.1943  d.2010)
A series of ten articles written by the noted legal scholar to explain America's government
Posted:   7 August 2008          Updated October 2010 - subsequent to John Armor's death.
WEBMASTER - 2012 NOTE:  The original articles were published on a now defunct website called ChronWatch:  the owner retired and the site has shut down.   However, you may copy the ChronWatch URLs and enter them into the WAYBACK MACHINE.  (It has crawled and archived the internet since 1996.)

Try this one:  http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://www.chronwatch-america.com/authors/170/John-Armor
Click on one of the archived dates and scroll down for The Owner's Manuel links.

My "Local" links will take you to my website copies of John Armor articles. 
01 of 10  ---  American Government: The Owner's Manual   Local Copy
John Armor
02 of 10  ---  The Owner's Manual: Article I, the Congress Local Copy
03 of 10>  ---  The Owner's Manual: Article I, the Congress in Practice Local Copy
04 of 10  ---  The Owner's Manual: Article II, The Presidency Local Copy
05 of 10  ---  The Owner's Manual: Article II, The Presidency in Practice Local Copy
06 of 10  ---  The Owner's Manual: Article III, the Courts Local Copy
07 of 10  ---  The Owner's Manual: Article III: The Courts in Practice Local Copy
08 of 10  ---  The Owner's Manual: Other Articles, including Amendment Local Copy
09 of 10  ---  The Owner's Manual: The Bill of Rights Local Copy
10 of 10  ---  The Owner's Manual: The Remaining Amendments Local Copy

For more about The Constitution, visit the website: The American Owners Manual

John Armor practiced law in the U.S. Supreme Court for 33 years and was the counsel for the
American Civil Rights Union (ACRU).       (ACRU is not the same thing as the ACLU)

For many years on the internet John Armor posted articles to various forums using the "handle" Congressman BillyBob.
Here is a sampling at  http://www.speakwithoutinterruption.com